Kirtland online radio


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The Beatles The Beatles Chicago Chicago Beyonce Beyonce Eagles Eagles Elton John Elton John Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Dua Lipa Dua Lipa Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake Rolling Stones Rolling Stones Elvin Perez Elvin Perez Olivia Rodrigo Olivia Rodrigo

Earlier on air

Olympics - Do You Like It
Heard Right, Tep No & Leo Islo - What If Conkarah - Island Girl
Ariana Grande - Just a Little Bit of Your Heart
Barry White - You're The First, The Last, My Everything
Jessie Laine Powell - Fire And Ice feat Gail Jhonson
Dierks Bentley - What was I thinking
Eric Weissberg - Dueling Banjos
Dreaming In Colour - Cayenne The Smooth Jazz Alley - The Smooth Jazz Alley

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